
SunShell PFP&C18 2.6 μm
Sunniest PFP&C18 5 μm

hydrophobicity to PFP separation!

Increased retention and improved durability


Comparison of separation


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Compared to PFP, PFP & C18 has the same stereoselectivity, but the hydrophobicity is greatly increased and the retention time is extended. PFP & C18 has achieved the same separation as that of PFP, such as the separation of fluorobenzenes.

Hydrogen bond (Caffeine/Phenol) Hydrophobicity (Amylbenzene/Butylbenzene) Steric selectivity (Triphenylene/o-Terphenyl)
PFP 1.00 1.31 2.38
PFP&C18 1.00 1.47 2.64
C18 0.39 1.60 1.46

Stability test


Conditions for durability testing

  • Column: Sunniest PFP&C18 5 μm, 2.1x150 mm
  •              Sunniest PFP 5 μm, 2.1x150 mm
  • Mobil phase: CH3OH/20mM PB pH7.0=70/30
  • Flow rate: 0.2 mL/min
  • Temperature: 40 ºC

Conditions for measuring theoretical plates

  • Column: PFP&C18 5 μm, 2.1x150 mm
  •              PFP 5 μm, 2.1x150 mm
  • Mobil phase: Acetonitrile/water=70/30
  • Acetonitrile/water=60/40
  • Flow rate: 0.2 mL/min
  • Temperature: 40 ºC
  • Sample: Acenaphthene

Due to the increased hydrophobicity of the surface, the durability of PFP & C18 is approximately three times that of conventional PFP.

Comparison of retention times for highly polar compounds


Conditions for durability testing

  • Column: Sunniest PFP&C18, PFP 5 μm, 150 x 4.6 mm
  • Mobile phase: 12.5 mM Ammonium Formate (pH3)
  • Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
  • Temperature: 25 ºC
  • Detection: UV@260nm