Novel end-capping method with silyl-reagent including ethylene chain
Norkazu Nagae, Tomoyasu Tuskamoto, Etsuko Shearer
Chromanik Technologies, BioNik Inc.
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Consideration of π-π and CH-π Interactions as Dipole-Dipole Interactions in Biphenyl Stationary Phases
Etusko Shearer, Norkazu Nagae, Tomoyasu Tuskamoto
BioNik Inc., Chromanik Technologies
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Evaluation of retention behavior and stability of novel trifunctional biphenyl phase
Norkazu Nagae, Tomoyasu Tuskamoto, Ryuji oyama, Etsuko Shearer
Chromanik Technologies, BioNik Inc.
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Evaluation of Bidentate End-capping Silylation Reagents for HPLC
Norkazu Nagae, Tomoyasu Tuskamoto, Ryuji oyama, Etsuko Shearer
Chromanik Technologies, BioNik Inc.
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